15th April 2008
National Museum
prehistoric exhibition of the Danish National Museum in Copenhagen has
been closed for almost two years. But in May 2008 it reopens. The
new exhibition has been possible thanks to a donation of 4,8 million
Euro from the Danish shipping company Mærsk. The
new Denmark's Prehistory exhibition is designed to satisfy both the
impatient tourist and the serious archaeologically interested visitor.
The exhibition is organized with the highlights of the museum in the centre. It makes it easy for busy tourists to see The Chariot of
the Sun, The Gundestrup Cauldron and the
reconstruction of the famous two Golden Horns and the almost two kilo
golden Tissø Ring from Viking age.
cup of king Gorm from Jelling
National Museum
Other finds are to
be find in surrounding rooms making it possible for more interested
visitors to study the archaeological finds more carefully. The
exhibition starts with the last Ice Age 14.500 years ago and includes stone age, bronze age, iron age and the Viking age which
ended 900 years ago. The
main focus is of course Danish history but the exhibition also has many
windows abroad - also because many of the best known Danish finds originally
came from other parts of the World.
well preserved dress of the iron age woman from Huldremose
National Museum
Also the Viking age
has got special rooms for exhibition. Among others the famous finds
from the kings of Jelling are exhibited in a special Jelling
Room. Here it is possible to see the so-called Gorm's Cup which was
found in the original grave of King Gorm - the father of Harald
Bluetooth. Compared
with former prehistoric exhibitions of the National Museum there are
many changes. Almost half of the 12.000 exhibited finds are new and
not permanently exhibited before. Among the highlights are the Woman
from Huldremose who was wearing the best preserved dress from iron
age found in Denmark. The
work of the exhibition has been going on for more than two years. The
costs has been covered by a fund founded by the Danish shipping
company A.P. Møller - Maersk which has donated 36 million
Danish Kroner (4,8 million Euro) for this purpose. The company is
responsible for several other spectacular donations in Denmark. Among
them the building of the Opera House of Copenhagen and the
reconstruction of the Frigate Jylland. The design of the exhibition is
done by the architects schmidt hammer lassen Denmark's
Prehistory covers 2200 square meters and is a permanent exhibition open at all opening hours of the
National Museum. Read
more about the National
Museum in Copenhagen.